5 Tips to Choose Your Photographer
How to Choose Your Photographer
While you are browsing online trying to find your ideal photographer, I want to share some tips based on my photographer’s and client’s experience with you.
1. Price. Some people have a certain budget in mind when it comes to the Photography Services. Others have no idea how much it should cost. An hourly rate of the photography services varies from $100 to $500 and more. The price depends on the photographer’s location, business strategy, experience, and other factors. An average Wedding Packaging in the US will cost you around $1,500-2,000. A good Portrait or a Family Photoshoot can be priced at $350-$450. A Commercial Photography is typically starts from $500 depending on a project.
Should the price drive your decision on the final choice? – Not necessarily. Here are some other factors you might want to consider.
2. Your dream pictures. How do they look like? Do they have certain colors or a vibe? Most photographers use filters/presets nowadays. These pictures usually have some tint – brownish, off-white, greenish, etc. Some photographers like saturated colors and photoshopped magazine-like pictures. Others, on the contrast, prefer natural colors or even vintage black and white style. Make sure the pictures in photographer’s portfolio match your style and expectations. That’s important!
3. Style. Think about what kind of pictures you like more: traditional/posing or candid/documentary. By traditional I mean properly posed shots and by documentary more natural, emotional and telling the story shots. I chose “documentary” kind of a photographer for my wedding, and did not have a videographer. So, now when I go through my pictures, I feel every emotion and every moment of that day. On the other hand – I do not have a lot of “looking at the camera”, “ideal” shots. You can check what shots prevail in your photographer’s portfolio or ask directly what their style is.
4. Personality. I think that is the key. You need to feel your photographer and trust him/her. Check if you have something in common by reading their social media or a blog. Check what life values, hobbies and interests they have. There are moments when a photographer can play different roles: a wedding coordinator, a therapist, a parent, or a friend. I will give you an example. My wedding photographer had to shut the door when everyone including my mom was anxious to get in time for the ceremony although we did have time. My photographer was patient and calm in the mid of the chaos. She closed the door, turned on a French melody, and told me we do have our time. This was the moment I burst into tears, as I realized I was a Bride, it was MY morning and I could relax and take my photos. Everything could wait.
Me that morning
5. Values. Ask yourself what is important for you. Are you punctual and responsive person? – Pay attention to how responsive your photographer is and if she/he respects your time. Do you value privacy, and do not want your pictures to be public? Than check with your photographer if it is possible to make an exception for you and do not use his/her copyright for your specific case, and how much it will cost. Not everyone is ready for this compromise, and you do not want to get a surprise later on.
If you read this until the end and curious what king of a photographer I am, check my Gallery, and do not hesitate to ask questions by submitting the form or contacting me directly Here.
The New Moon Wish
Make wishes and they will come true
They say the New Moon is the best time to make a wish and set your intentions for the coming month.
One day I made a wish, and it came true in a way I could never imagine.
Another corporate week was coming to its end. I have been quite exhausted and tired of constant hopes and ambitions for a brilliant career. Not that I hated my job, but I was not getting the satisfaction I used to have.
So, I was sitting in my car, ready for the weekend at the beach. Trips usually inspire me, and I return home a different person. This time was no exception. While my husband and I took turns driving, I had time to focus on what was important for me. I was aware of the New Moon that day, and I had plenty of time to focus on my wish. Surprisingly for myself I did not have any career-related goals that day. I wanted to photograph. As always, I had my camera with me, but this was the first time I thought about it seriously. I wanted to find my first client. I wanted to be a professional photographer. Having everything straight in my head, I did not think too much about obstacles. I did not have any experience, I was driving to a state I had never visited before, and of course I could not find clients at the beach…
Finally, we arrive to the beach. It is rainy and cloudy. Not the best day for the beach, photography, and first clients. I have my camera with me, and I am inspired by the ocean. The air is humid, and the clouds is very low. The wind whispers hope and joy. The rain stops, and I see a group of beautiful ladies dancing right in the middle of the beach. They have colorful costumes that stand out against the gray ocean background.
I grab my camera and begin taking photos of them, hoping they will not notice me. Suddenly one of the ladies from the group approaches me. I am ready to apologize and delete all the pictures I just took. She comes closer and says, “We do not mind you taking pictures of us, but... can we ask you to send the pictures to us? We would like to show them in our church with the video we are filming now.”
Relief. I come closer and start working. I experience my first-time euphoria from what I am doing. I am doing it for people, not only for my pleasure and inspiration. Someone wants my work, my art, my Photography.
Keep making wishes and watching for the New Moon.